A former accountant turned Beekeeper

I had the privilege of meeting a talented writer for the local free magazine, 55 Plus, which is distributed in the surrounding Rochester area. The easiest place to find this glossy magazine is at your area Wegmans. This is printed every other month, so the publication is available for 2 month at each location. He wanted to interview me and my “second act”, retired accountant turned beekeeper.

Me? I had never been interviewed before and was a little nervous, to be honest.

He arrived with his wife as they had just come from an important appointment. She browsed the shop as he and I sat in the Beekeeping Sensory Room and chatted about what brought me to here!

This little white house in the Village of Webster that I call The North Bee.

To read all about my second act in his words follow this link to the article by John Addyman. http://www.roc55.com/features/former-accountant-keeps-busy-with-bees/


An invite to Science Now! - STEM & STEAM

On January 23, 2020 I took part in the Thomas C. Armstrong Wayne Middle School PTO Science Now! expo. An evening of interactive demo and hands on learning experiences for the kids, and no kidding, the big kids, too! Even moms and dads, big brothers and sisters engaged themselves in the wonders of beeswax and honey.

Many tables filled the cafeteria, each representing a business where STEM & STEAM can be found. STEM is science, technology, engineering and math. While STEAM includes art. There was virtual reality, plastic molding and silicone demonstrations, the Rochester Museum and Science center even had a spot. I was parked between the DEC, think deer decoy and a remote controlled wagging tail, and Intergrow - the indoor greenhouse which emits that eerie glow towards the sky in the evenings. On those foggy nights…well, eerie doesn’t seem to be fitting for the supernatural scenery that is created. Actually, the nice young man that headed the table for Intergrow and I had some good conversation regarding the bumblebees they use for indoor pollinating.

The evening was buzzing with eager and excited children and their parents. All here to learn how STEM & STEAM can be found in businesses in and around the community. My 2 tables had 4 demonstrations or activities for the visitors to enjoy.

They could learn the why, what and how about bees and their products of the hive. There was a frame of used drawn comb, a jar of crushed comb and some honey, crushed comb that had been given back to the bees to cleanup, a round of rendered beeswax and several of my products that had been made from the beeswax. The hands on items helped attendees understand how a frame of beeswax can be turned into a candle, hard lotion bar, lip balm or beeswax wrap for your sandwiches.

They could also try on beekeepers gear. There was a tote full of veils in all styles, gloves, a couple pullover vests and even a couple jackets. They could puff the (empty) smoker and feel the bristles of the bee brush that is used to gently brush the bees from frames, or yourself.

Many enjoyed the honey tasting station. I brought 6 varieties of honey to taste. Our local honey in summer and fall. Maine blueberry honey. Washington buckwheat. Patagonia rainforest honey and the newest edition to the tasting table, African Forest honey. So many people were surprised that honey could taste so different or that there was actually different types of honey. Yes, there are! Forty of them are on the tasting table right in my store in the village of Webster waiting for you to have a taste.

However, I think the most popular activity was Can you Spot the Queen? I had some large visual posters by Hilary Kearny, at the Girl Next Door Honey. She takes some amazing photos and turns them into useful tools for teaching about bees. These were specifically about searching for the queen bee. If you could find her in a given time you won a bee pin or honey stick. The bee pins were almost gone by the end of the evening! Everyone loved the honey sticks, too!

I think we all enjoyed ourselves; talking about bees, tasting local honey and far away honey, too! I’m looking forward to the next Science Expo!

If you have a group or event and would like to learn about the products of the hive, send me a message or give me call!

One year already! Come celebrate with me.

It was just a quick, short year ago that I was sitting in traffic daydreaming about what was always on my mind……having my own place to melt beeswax, share my passion for bees and honey and sell my creations. I happen to look over to my right while waiting for the light to change and there was a FOR RENT sign on this cute little white house in the heart of the Village of Webster.

What? Could it bee?

No more packing and unpacking crates and totes, no more multiple trips up and down the stairs and packing the car the morning of a show, because you can’t leave beeswax or honey in the car - might be to cold for the honey or too warm for the beeswax. No more melted wax in random places of the kitchen, like the counter, floor, or stove top. Yes, my husband could have the kitchen table back, instead of just his spot. Most of all, I could talk about bees, share my passion and relay the importance of bees to adults and kids of all ages. I could even make a room just for the kids to take in all things bee, and let the grownups take in all the Handcrafted Goodness of the Hive.

Yes, it was.

I had found that spot by chance and I have been making it work ever since. Each month has been change and growth. I am happy to have this opportunity to be your stop for local honey and handcrafted beeswax products. Including skincare, pet products, candles, beeswax home decor, honey from across the country, gift giving items, natural wellness and select lines of hemp CBD wellness items.

For all the local folks that would like to celebrate with me stop in the store at 27 North Ave, Webster to enter your name for a chance to WIN my GIVEAWAY basket (worth $165) full of goodies!!! Look through the photos here to see the basket. Next time you are in the store to restock your honey, skincare or CBD products fill out an ENTRY CARD and pop it in the cute mailbox by the door on your way out!

The GIVEAWAY runs through December 4th. Drawing in store on December 5th.

Thank you everyone for helping to make this first year a success.