A former accountant turned Beekeeper

I had the privilege of meeting a talented writer for the local free magazine, 55 Plus, which is distributed in the surrounding Rochester area. The easiest place to find this glossy magazine is at your area Wegmans. This is printed every other month, so the publication is available for 2 month at each location. He wanted to interview me and my “second act”, retired accountant turned beekeeper.

Me? I had never been interviewed before and was a little nervous, to be honest.

He arrived with his wife as they had just come from an important appointment. She browsed the shop as he and I sat in the Beekeeping Sensory Room and chatted about what brought me to here!

This little white house in the Village of Webster that I call The North Bee.

To read all about my second act in his words follow this link to the article by John Addyman. http://www.roc55.com/features/former-accountant-keeps-busy-with-bees/


It's true!!! Real honey has many tastes, textures and aromas, along with proven wellness benefits.

Dinner party plans? Foodie on the gift list? Looking for natural immunity boosting benefits?

Honey. The answer to all of the above and more.

The sweet gold the bees produce is not all the same. Honey has varying degrees of color, aroma, taste and texture.

Real honey, that is.

And this all depends on many factors. The season the nectar was collected for starters. You can see this difference in your local honey. The nectar the bees gather in the spring compared to the nectar gathered in the fall will produce the different colors, tastes, aromas and textures. Of course, this is dependent upon the region of the country the plants are growing from which the bees are foraging.

Which brings us to our next varying factor in honey.


The varying landscapes and climates provide us different plants from which the bees can forage. Just like grapes and wine, honey will vary from region to region due to the plants. Our own country can provide us Oregon Meadowfoam, Florida Orange Blossom, Georgia Tupelo, New York Basswood, North Carolina Sourwood, California Black Sage and Washington Buckwheat to name a few. All of which can be found on the tasting table at The North Bee. Each time you visit you are able to sample over 28 varieties of honey from across the country and even from the Patagonia Rainforest.

Besides season and location the state of the honey itself will offer up its own mouthwatering experience. Only raw honey crystallizes. The texture of this is comparable to peanut butter with sugar crystals embedded within. Some prefer it this way often seeking out only crystallized honey. Perhaps they know that’s a sure sign it hasn’t been processed or heated in anyway. Some honey will take longer to crystallize than others, while some will crystallize as soon as its bottled. Aster honey is know for this.

Others look at the jar of crystallized honey and wonder…….what is wrong with this stuff? Nothing my friends, nothing. Did you know honey was pulled from ancient Egyptian tombs and found to be edible? Here is a link to that article https://www.nationalgeographic.com.au/history/honey-in-the-pyramids.aspx

Not only is honey a natural sweetener it also has immunity boosting benefits. Have you ever tasted Buckwheat honey? You either like it or you don’t, there is no in-between. I happen to like it. I had a lady message me last week wondering if I carried buckwheat honey. Her doctor had recommended her to take. When she arrived at the store to purchase I knew why her doctor had recommended. She had laryngitis. I take buckwheat honey in the winter whenever I have a cough. Here is a great research paper on honey used for cough relive in children, specifically buckwheat. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4264806/

So aside from a sweeter for our tea, a treat off the spoon or a remedy for what ails us, did you know honey is a great addition to the cheese spread or gift basket for the foodie in your life. Honey is also THE perfect hostess gift.

Your eyes will widen and your mouth water when you see some of the amazing honey available on the tasting table and in the store for purchase. The next dinner party you are hosting or attending be sure to include a delightful honey for all to enjoy.

How about a California Wildflower Walnut infused honey on a slice of honey crisp apple or warm Brie?

Perhaps some local comb honey on a slice of baguette or a morning pancake.

A little Chocolate & Bergamot blended honey on a coconut crisp cookie or gently warmed and spread on fruit.

There is even desert honey that has been creamed and some wonderful ingredients added like, sea salt caramel, or real maple syrup. WOW!

You simply must come in the store yourself located at 27 North Ave in the village of Webster and spend a minute or 2 at the tasting table. And remember, the next time that throat begins to feel raw or that cough won’t quiet, find yourself some good RAW honey.

One year already! Come celebrate with me.

It was just a quick, short year ago that I was sitting in traffic daydreaming about what was always on my mind……having my own place to melt beeswax, share my passion for bees and honey and sell my creations. I happen to look over to my right while waiting for the light to change and there was a FOR RENT sign on this cute little white house in the heart of the Village of Webster.

What? Could it bee?

No more packing and unpacking crates and totes, no more multiple trips up and down the stairs and packing the car the morning of a show, because you can’t leave beeswax or honey in the car - might be to cold for the honey or too warm for the beeswax. No more melted wax in random places of the kitchen, like the counter, floor, or stove top. Yes, my husband could have the kitchen table back, instead of just his spot. Most of all, I could talk about bees, share my passion and relay the importance of bees to adults and kids of all ages. I could even make a room just for the kids to take in all things bee, and let the grownups take in all the Handcrafted Goodness of the Hive.

Yes, it was.

I had found that spot by chance and I have been making it work ever since. Each month has been change and growth. I am happy to have this opportunity to be your stop for local honey and handcrafted beeswax products. Including skincare, pet products, candles, beeswax home decor, honey from across the country, gift giving items, natural wellness and select lines of hemp CBD wellness items.

For all the local folks that would like to celebrate with me stop in the store at 27 North Ave, Webster to enter your name for a chance to WIN my GIVEAWAY basket (worth $165) full of goodies!!! Look through the photos here to see the basket. Next time you are in the store to restock your honey, skincare or CBD products fill out an ENTRY CARD and pop it in the cute mailbox by the door on your way out!

The GIVEAWAY runs through December 4th. Drawing in store on December 5th.

Thank you everyone for helping to make this first year a success.

Local honey for your health and wellness needs

It’s that time of year to be searching out the raw honey. I am happy to be your one stop for not only unique handcrafted gift items, but also raw honey. Local honey and honey from across the country can be found in my store located in the village of Webster in Western NY.

Did you know there are over 300 types of honey produced by the bees here in the US? This is due to the different nectar sources available to the bees for forage. Different areas of the country provide different plants which in turn makes the difference in honey - light, dark, sweet, bold, molasses tasting or perhaps even cotton candy. Have you heard of Star Thistle, Avocado, Buckwheat, Meadowfoam, Tupelo or Ulmo honey? Those are just a few types of what you will find available to taste and purchase. You can always find local honey here.

Summer and Fall local, raw honey is now available in my Webster store.

The honey tasting table always holds over 25 different jars of honey; varietals (single source nectar), infusions, blends, creamed, whipped, liquid, crystallized, comb, sticks and polyflorals from across the country and my own backyard! I even carry honey from the Patagonia Rain forest in Chile, South America. I am certain you will find a favorite honey and even a backup or two.

Honey has been used for thousand of years to treat coughs and sore throats among other ailments. People may also use honey to treat allergies and for that local honey is first choice. You can be sure to find local honey most anytime of the year at the store.

However, for your seasonal sore throat and that cough from the cold you are sharing with the family ANY raw honey is best. Raw is preferred because once honey is processed, meaning heated or filtered, it loses any health benefits and is just a sweetener at that point. When it comes to raw honey I’m sure you will find one that suits your taste buds.

I hope you will keep The North Bee in mind this upcoming season and all year round for all your local honey and health and wellness needs.