A former accountant turned Beekeeper

I had the privilege of meeting a talented writer for the local free magazine, 55 Plus, which is distributed in the surrounding Rochester area. The easiest place to find this glossy magazine is at your area Wegmans. This is printed every other month, so the publication is available for 2 month at each location. He wanted to interview me and my “second act”, retired accountant turned beekeeper.

Me? I had never been interviewed before and was a little nervous, to be honest.

He arrived with his wife as they had just come from an important appointment. She browsed the shop as he and I sat in the Beekeeping Sensory Room and chatted about what brought me to here!

This little white house in the Village of Webster that I call The North Bee.

To read all about my second act in his words follow this link to the article by John Addyman. http://www.roc55.com/features/former-accountant-keeps-busy-with-bees/
